Source code for json_document.serializers

# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro Limited
# Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <>
# This file is part of json-document
# json-document is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# as published by the Free Software Foundation
# json-document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with json-document.  If not, see <>.

Document serializer classes

import decimal

import simplejson

JSONDecodeError = simplejson.decoder.JSONDecodeError

[docs]class JSON(object): """ JSON class encapsulates loading and saving JSON files using simplejson module. It handles 'raw' json without any of the additions specified in the :class:`~json_document.document.Document` class. """ # Other classes can set this to True to serialize the real object-oriented # version of the object. needs_real_object = False @classmethod def _get_dict_impl(cls, retain_order): if retain_order: object_pairs_hook = simplejson.OrderedDict else: object_pairs_hook = None return object_pairs_hook @classmethod def _get_indent_and_separators(cls, human_readable): if human_readable: indent = ' ' * 2 separators = (', ', ': ') else: indent = None separators = (',', ':') return indent, separators @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, stream, retain_order=True): """ Load a JSON document from the specified stream :Discussion: The document is read from the stream and parsed as JSON text. :Return value: The document loaded from the stream. If retain_order is True then the resulting objects are composed of ordered dictionaries. This mode is slightly slower and consumes more memory but allows one to save the document exactly as it was before (apart from whitespace differences). :Exceptions: JSONDecodeError When the text does not represent a correct JSON document. """ object_pairs_hook = cls._get_dict_impl(retain_order) return simplejson.load( stream, parse_float=decimal.Decimal, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook)
[docs] def loads(cls, text, retain_order=True): """ Same as load() but reads data from a string """ object_pairs_hook = cls._get_dict_impl(retain_order) return simplejson.loads( text, parse_float=decimal.Decimal, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook)
[docs] def dump(cls, stream, doc, human_readable=True, sort_keys=False): """ Dump JSON to a stream-like object :Discussion: If human_readable is True the serialized stream is meant to be read by humans, it will have newlines, proper indentation and spaces after commas and colons. This option is enabled by default. If sort_keys is True then resulting JSON object will have sorted keys in all objects. This is useful for predictable format but is not recommended if you want to load-modify-save an existing document without altering it's general structure. This option is not enabled by default. :Return value: None """ indent, separators = cls._get_indent_and_separators(human_readable) simplejson.dump( doc, stream, use_decimal=True, indent=indent, separators=separators, sort_keys=sort_keys)
[docs] def dumps(cls, doc, human_readable=True, sort_keys=False): """ Dump JSON to a string :Discussion: If human_readable is True the serialized value is meant to be read by humans, it will have newlines, proper indentation and spaces after commas and colons. This option is enabled by default. If sort_keys is True then resulting JSON object will have sorted keys in all objects. This is useful for predictable format but is not recommended if you want to load-modify-save an existing document without altering it's general structure. This option is not enabled by default. :Return value: JSON document as string """ indent, separators = cls._get_indent_and_separators(human_readable) return simplejson.dumps( doc, use_decimal=True, indent=indent, separators=separators, sort_keys=sort_keys)
__all__ = ['JSON', 'JSONDecodeError']

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