Core features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So now you know roughly about documents and schema. You know that accessing items on a document instance returns :class:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment` objects (that have a :attr:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment.value` and :attr:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment.schema` properties) but setting items sets the value directly. You know that a document may have an associated schema and that calling :meth:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment.validate()` checks for errors. Supported types --------------- Now let's expand that. So far we've only used objects (that map to Python dictionaries). We can use the following types in our documents: * Dictionaries (JSON objects, schema type "object") * Lists (JSON arrays, schema type "array") * Strings (and Unicode strings, schema type "string") * Integers, floating point numbers and Decimals (JSON numbers, schema types "integer", "number") * True and False (JSON true and false values, schema type "boolean") * None (JSON null value, schema type "null") You can use any of those items as the root object:: >>> from json_document.document import Document >>> shopping_list = Document([]) >>> shopping_list.value.append("milk") >>> shopping_list.value.append("cookies") >>> shopping_list.value ['milk', 'cookies'] >>> yummy = Document("json") >>> yummy.value 'json' >>> life = Document(42) >>> life.value 42 >>> long_example = Document(True) >>> long_example.value True >>> surprise = Document(None) >>> surprise.value None Default schema -------------- All documents have a schema, even if you don't specify one. By default the schema describes an arbitrary JSON value (one of any type):: >>> doc = Document({}) >>> doc.schema Schema({'type': 'any'}) This does not apply to fragments you create yourself. Those always inherit the schema from their parent document (depending on the item used to create or access that fragment). Since the default schema does not describe the ``foo`` property it is assigned an empty schema instead:: >>> doc['foo'] = 'bar' >>> doc['foo'].schema Schema({}) It's important to point out that default type is ``any``. It allows the value to be of any previously mentioned type:: >>> doc['foo'].schema.type ['any'] Schema on fragments ------------------- It's pretty obvious but important to point out that when a schema describes a document and you access a fragment of that document the fragment's schema is the corresponding fragment of the whole:: >>> doc = Document({"foo": "bar"}, {"properties": {"foo": {"type": "string"}}}) >>> doc["foo"].schema Schema({'type': 'string'}) This is very useful when you consider that a schema can specify default values for missing elements. Using default values -------------------- Having a schema for a document is not only useful because you can validate it. It is also useful because you can embed default values in the schema and transparently use them as if they were specified in the document. Let's see how this works. Imagine a simple application that has a *save on exit* feature. The application starts up, loads settings from a configuration file and does something useful. When the user quits the application it can save the current document without asking for confirmation. Traditionally you'd embed the default value in the code of your application. If you were smart you'd build an API for your configuration to transparently provide the default for you (or you'd generate the default configuration file if it was missing). Both of those approaches are not very nice in practice. The former requires you to build additional layers of API around your basic notion of configuration. The latter prevents you from differentiating default values and settings identical to default values. We can do better than that. Let's start with describing our configuration schema:: >>> schema = { ... "type": "object", ... "properties": { ... "save_on_exit": { ... "type": "boolean", ... "default": True, ... "optional": True ... } ... } ... } There are a couple of new elements here: * The default value is specified, exactly once, in the schema * The property is marked as optional, when missing the document will still be valid. Let's create a configuration object to see how this works:: >>> config = Document({}, schema) >>> config["save_on_exit"].value True Success! Still a little verbose but already doing much, much better. The default value was looked up in the schema and provided in place of our missing configuration option. We can see this option is default by accessing a few methods and properties. With :attr:`~json_document.DocumentFragment.is_default` you can check if .value is a real thing or a substitute from the schema. With :attr:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment.default_value` you can see what the default is. Lastly, with :attr:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment.default_value_exists` you can check if there even is a default specified. After all, if the schema has no defaults then your code will simply trigger an exception instead:: >>> config["save_on_exit"].is_default True >>> config["save_on_exit"].default_value True >>> config["save_on_exit"].default_value_exists True We can still change the value as we had before, all of that works as expected. The non-obvious part is what the value of our document is. Before we change anything it is still left as-is, as we provided it initially, that is, empty.:: >>> config.value {} If we change it, however, it reflects that change:: >>> config["save_on_exit"] = False >>> config.value {'save_on_exit': False} Reverting to defaults --------------------- Let's suppose our application wants to provide a "revert to defaults" button that resets all configuration options to what was provided out of the box. JSON document has a sweet feature to support this kind of behavior. Let's start with some settings we loaded for this user (we are reusing the schema from the previous example):: >>> config = Document({"save_on_exit": True}, schema) The first thing to point out is that a default value is a 'special' thing. Being equal to the default value is not the same as being default. Here, the ``save_on_exit`` option is True, the same as the default from the schema. It is not default though:: >>> config["save_on_exit"].is_default False To really make it default you need to call the :meth:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment.revert_to_default()` method:: >>> config["save_on_exit"].revert_to_default() >>> config["save_on_exit"].value True >>> config["save_on_exit"].is_default True When you do that the document is transformed and the part we've customized is removed. Obviously without a default value in the schema this method would raise an exception with an appropriate message:: >>> config.value {} Defaults are a very powerful system. Used correctly they allow applications to recover from manually edited configuration files (config errors), allow users to customize parts of their configuration while allowing defaults to evolve with future versions and significantly simplify application configuration handling for programmers where less checking is needed, especially when coupled with JSON schema validation that can not only shape but constrain values of specific properties. Fragments and references ------------------------ So far in this document we've been referring to document fragments by accessing dictionary items and array elements on the root document object. Accessing those items transparently creates :class:`~json_document.document.DocumentFragment` instances. Wrapper objects pointing to a sub-tree of the document object. It is possible to save those references and use them freely for convenience. Let's see how this works:: >>> doc = Document({}) >>> doc["list"] = [1, 2, 3] >>> doc["dict"] = {"hello": "world"} >>> doc["value"] = "I'm a plain string" For clarity, this is how the document looks like now:: >>> doc.value {'dict': {'hello': 'world'}, 'list': [1, 2, 3], 'value': "I'm a plain string"} Let's obtain a reference to the list:: >>> lst = doc["list"] A document fragment is much like a document itself (:class:`~json_document.fragment.Document` is also a DocumentFragment subclass) it has a .value and .schema properties. It has a revert_to_default() method and everything you've learned so far. It can also be modified, and here it gets interesting. You can modify the value by assigning to the .value property:: >>> lst.value [1, 2, 3] >>> lst.value = [4, 5] >>> lst.value [4, 5] The interesting part is that this automatically integrates into the document this fragment is a part of:: >>> doc.value {'dict': {'hello': 'world'}, 'list': [4, 5], 'value': "I'm a plain string"} In general it you can freely modify the tree and it will work as expected:: >>> dct = doc["dict"] >>> dct.value = {'hello': 'there'} >>> val = doc["value"] >>> val.value = 42 >>> doc.value {'dict': {'hello': 'there'}, 'list': [4, 5], 'value': 42} You can also use mutating methods (those that alter the state of the value), in this case you are not assigning a new value to the .value property but rather calling some method on it:: >>> lst.value.append(6) >>> dct.value['hello'] = 'joe' >>> doc.value {'dict': {'hello': 'joe'}, 'list': [4, 5, 6], 'value': 42} Fragments also have a few interesting properties. The .document property allows you to reach the document object this fragment is a part of. The .parent property points to the parent fragment (say, if you have a fragment to member of a list then the .parent will be pointing to the list itself). The .item property is perhaps named confusingly but it is the index of this fragment in the parent fragment (the list index or dictionary key) Fragments also have few special methods that make using them more natural in python. You can check the length (of strings, dicts and lists), you can check for membership using the ``foo in bar`` syntax. You can also iterate over containers (lists and dicts only) Orphaned fragments ------------------ Since you can keep references to fragments around for as long as you like it is possible to create an interesting situation. It is only interesting in a problematic way though. A fragment can become orphaned (and useless) when its parent (or its parent, all the way up to the root document object) are overwritten. Let's see how this works:: >>> doc = Document({}) >>> doc['foo'] = 'bar' >>> foo = doc['foo'] >>> doc.value = {} >>> foo.is_orphaned True So now the ``foo`` fragment is an orphaned. A few things happen when this occurs: * The .document property is set to None * The .parent property is set to None * The .value is set to a deep copy of the original value So for all intents and purposes an orphaned node is independent leftover that is totally disconnected from the original. This means that changing its value is not going to alter the document anymore (since this would make no sense). In fact, attempting to change the value will raise an :class:`~json_document.errors.OrphanedFragmentError`:: >>> foo.value = "barf" Traceback (most recent call last): ... OrphanedFragmentError: Attempt to modify orphaned document fragment Usually when you see this it indicates a programming error. If you want to keep using something don't overwrite its parent. For convenience it is not an error to read from an orphaned fragment as it is useful in some cases and provides some level of 'transaction isolation' where you can bet that you've got a working fragment (just that the writes will fail)